
Our lovely Border Terrier ‘Elle’ passed away in our arms on Christmas Day, in the morning, so Ann & I, had a pretty deflated Xmas. Elle was in her 14th year, and as many of my blog readers know, she had, had a pretty uncomfortable year, starting in April, when she was attacked, in our local park, by a Staffie, whose owner (a young couple), watched as it ripped into Elle’s neck, which after a passer by kicked it off, the couple simply walked off, leaving Ann in Tears… and Elle bleeding on the ground…

Elle… as we were arranging an emergency Vet visit to be stitched

Elle’s next incident, was a couple of months later, when she had a growth on one of her nipples, which started off the size of a golf ball, but quickly developed to the size of a Grapefruit, and was noticeably causing her a lot of pain and discomfort… so another Vet visit was needed for its removal, Elle had to wear a collar, back at the house, but it seemed to heal really well, and for a few months she seemed very up-beat…

Elle with her collar after the operation

However, sadly… in the run up to Xmas, she went downhill, was off her food, and couldn’t even keep water down… we took her to the vets, and they decided to put her on fluids, and painkillers… on Xmas morning, we had a phone-call, to say we needed to come in… and our lovely border terrier… slipped away in our arms…

We brought her home, in the car, and on Boxing Day, Ann & I dug a deep plot in our garden, and buried her, in her garden the day after…

The plot in the garden

Just a reminder… for when we look in the garden… memories…

A few months later…

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