Back at Everton…

The derelict R.C. Chapel


My last post was about a new addition to the family… Our lovely ‘Patterdale Terrier’… Moro. which we brought home at the tender age of 8 weeks…

Although we have kept Moro, to the confines of our own house and garden, for the time before her second set of injections, these have now been administered, and she will be allowed out in ‘public’ from next week… but because Everton Cemetery is an enclosed cemetery, with few dogs around… during the past few days, I have been taking Moro, with me now that my research motivation. is creeping back after the death of ‘Elle’ our Border Terrier, some 18 months ago…

A couple of day’s before our first visit to the cemetery… Moro was out in the garden, and I was sitting in our conservatory reading, when I heard Moro yelp… she came running into the conservatory… hanging from her lower lip, was a wasp… we quickly took it off, but the deed had already been done… the wasp had stung her. Within minutes, Moro was unsteady on her legs and started to stagger… we put her on her bed, but her lip and mouth were swelling up fast, coupled with this… her eyes were closing…


Moro looking like shes gone 5 rounds with a boxer dog…


Cath rang our vet, and they advised us to get a ‘Piriton’ (not Pirinase) tablet down her… so after Cath located a local chemist, which sold them… she sped off in her car, to buy a box… when she got back… I opened Moro’s mouth, and got one down her quick… within an hour… she was looking a lot better, and although she had a ‘tired’ sort of day… by morning she was back to her own active bubbly self…


Moro… an hour later, but a bit sleepy.


I gave her another day in the house and garden… but she was fine… so the next day, I introduced Moro to Everton Cemetery, where she will spend a lot of her time, following me about, as I research amongst the older gravestones… dating back to the 1800’s

Ann decided to come with me, on the first day we went with Moro to the cemetery… and although we started walking with her on the lead… it soon became apparent to us that she was walking that well… we would let her off, and see if she did a ‘runner’… however, much to our surprise, she stayed with us the rest of the walk, not venturing more than 10 metres away… coming back on a call of her name… and even to a whistle, which at such a young age was amazing !!!


Moro on her lead


Moro amongst the graves…

We went to the back sections for some CWWG research, and Moro was so good…


After nearly 3 hours in the cemetery, we put Moro back in the car and made our way home… such a positive first visit… and we now go most days, and if a dog does come with another owner… I just whistle her, and lift her explaining shes not yet ready to ‘meet’ other dogs… but people are taken aback when they learn her young age and how well behaved she is….


Moro… takes to her bed after our walks… not to sleep… just chill

One thought on “Back at Everton…

  1. Wish I could come and walk with you but I live in Australia, was in England and Liverpool [where I grew up] in 2017 and 2018, but at the time didn’t have any idea that my gt. grandparents were buried in Everton, enjoy your walks..Maureen..
    I also have grandparents in Anfield and Kirkdale cemeteries and have seen their graves .

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